Carey And Sundberg Solution Manual

Carey And Sundberg Solution Manual

Titration is the quantitative technique, where the concentration of the unknown is determined to form a known concentration. Titration is useful to determine the concentration of either unknown acid or base. Acid-base titration can be further classified into four types, Strong acid-strong base Weak acid-weak base Strong acid-weak base Strong base-weak acid Titration consists of an unknown acid or base. There are different methods used to measure the completion of acid-base reaction, such as pH indicator, conductance, potentiometer, color change, and precipitation. Strong acid vs Strong base titration Strong acid (inorganic acids) and Strong base react together to give salt in the form of a precipitate.


Carey And Sundberg Solution Manual

This reaction occurs in stoichiometric, which means that each mole of strong acid reacts with each mole strong base by forming salt. The equivalent point of the reaction is the endpoint of the reaction. Example: Here the strong acid is the hydrochloric acid and the strong base is the sodium hydroxide, which react together forming sodium chloride salt. Strong acid vs Weak base Titration between strong acid (inorganic acids) and weak bases like ammonium hydroxide. Since the titration involves strong acid and weak base, the titration curve is predominantly acidic (see fig). Example: Since, the titration involves ammonium hydroxide, a weak base, ammonium chloride is acidic in nature.

Weak acid vs Strong base Titration of weak acid and strong base forming salt and water. Here the salt formed is slightly basic due to the presence of strong base. Example: H 2CO 3 is a weak acid and NaOH is a strong base forming a basic salt sodium carbonate. Weak acid vs weak base Since, this titration involves acid as well as bases which are weak, resulting solution will be neutral. At the end point pH is neutral that is pH of the solution is 7 Example: Since, both acid and base are weak; the resultant salt ammonium hydroxide will be neutral in nature. Graphical representation of titration curves. Get Definitions of Key Science Concepts from Chegg In science there are many key concepts and terms that are crucial for students to know and understand.

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