New York Ccss Instructional Practice Guide

Instructional practices for math

Send to a Friend Fill out the form below, and a link to this document will be sent to the friend's e-mail address you specify. Friend's E-mail: Your Name: Your E-mail: Send Link Built around seven interdependent indicators, this guide provides specific steps and tools for successful transition to the new standards at the school level. Guidance for each indicator is divided into three parts: High-Impact Actions: Critical moves that the leadership team and other stakeholders should take to implement the indicator in their school. Measures: Examples of ways to collect and analyze data to assess the implementation of each indicator. Tools: Links to supporting materials that will help the leadership team and other stakeholders address the indicator.

Plan, Observe, and Norm Expectations around Aligned Instruction: Each of the tools in the Instructional Practice suite can be used on its own, but they were designed to be used together to facilitate conversation about CCR-aligned instruction. Resource Recommended Use Instructional Practice Guide Names the specific actions (“Core Actions”) and behavioral indicators (“Indicators”) to look for to determine whether students are getting to the intent of the standards through the content of the lesson. This set of observable actions are designed to help teachers, coaches, and peers identify evidence of where and when instruction aligned to college- and career-ready standards, including the Common Core, is taking place.

Beyond the Lesson Discussion Guide Supplements the Instructional Practice Guide. Because every Core Action and every Shift cannot be observable in every lesson, this guide offers questions for teachers and coaches to consider in order to ensure effective CCR-aligned implementation over the course of the year. Lesson Planning Tool Takes the Core Actions and Indicators of the Instructional Practice Guide and reframes them as prompts to consider while planning. The Lesson Planning Tool encourages teachers to plan lessons in a way that will ensure that the Shifts will be observable in instruction.

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Instructional Practice Toolkit Builds understanding and experience with instruction aligned to college- and career-ready (CCR) standards in mathematics and ELA/literacy. What Makes Instruction Aligned.

New York Ccss Instructional Practice GuideCore instructional practices

New York Ccss Instructional Practice Guidelines

For instructional practice to be aligned to college- and career-ready standards, such as the Common Core, the content must be aligned and be featured at the center of the lesson. Aligned instructional practice can be observed when the content and teacher’s instructional choices allow students to get to the full intent of the standards. The Instructional Practice suite of tools focus not on every pedagogical move in the classroom, but on the specific actions teachers and students take to address the Shifts required by college- and career-ready standards. To understand aligned practice, you must first understand the Shifts. Learn more about the Shifts. Recognize the 'Actions' and 'Indicators' of Aligned Instruction.

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