Edsel Shop Manual
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1959 Ford Edsel Shop Manuals & Parts Books CD Price $49.99 Details W: 5.625 x H: 4.875 x D: 0.1 Weight 0.12 lbs. Page Count Condition New - Reproduction Item Type Factory Manual Inventory Number SM-20927 OEM Number DCDF-42 In Stock Description Models Included: 1959 EDSEL: CORSAIR, RANGER, VILLAGER This 1959 Edsel Ford Licensed CD provides the most comprehensive set of digital Factory OEM shop manuals for the classic models associated with the referenced year and make(s). When it comes to servicing, repairing or restoring your classic vehicle, you will absolutely love the ability to search through the OEM manuals to find what you are looking for and also print whatever you want. The factory manuals on this CD were professionally scanned from the original service manuals published by the car maker. 1959 Edsel Shop Manual. 1955-1961 Ford A/C Manual. Fordomatic Transmission Service Manual. 1949-1959 Parts and Accessories Text Catalog. 1959 Edsel Sales Brochures.

Ford Shop Manual Series 2n 8n & 9n

1958 Edsel Shop Manual
Service Data Section The Factory Shop Manual CDs contain the original factory shop or service manual and any applicable supplements. The factory service manual is essential. It covers all mechanical and electrical systems for your car or truck. This is the same information that GM, Ford or Chrysler published for the mechanics working at the dealer shops.