Singer 2350 Sewing Machine Manual

KNOWING YOUR SEWING MACHINE ————————————————————————————————————————— 13 Upper threading Set the upper thread and thread the needle. A Turn off the sewing machine. B Raise the presser foot using the presser foot lever. A Presser foot lever c Raise the needle by turning the handwheel toward you (counterclockwise) to raise the thread take-up lever to its highest position.
Singer 2350 Sewing Machine Manual
If the needle is not correctly raised, the sewing machine can not be threaded. Be sure to turn the handwheel before threading the sewing machine. D Pull up the spool pin as far as possible, and then put a spool of thread on this pin. E While holding the thread from the spool with your right hand, pass the thread toward you, in the groove on the thread guide. Make sure that the spring in the groove catches the thread a Spring f Pull the thread down and around the upper tension control dial from the right to the left so the thread picks up the thread check spring. A Upper tension control dial b Thread check spring a Spool pin b Thread guide (rear) c Thread guide (front) d Thread take-up lever ● Make sure you thread the machine properly. Otherwise, the thread could tangle and break the needle.
CAUTION ● If the spool of thread is in the wrong place, or is set incorrectly, the thread may tangle on the spool pin and cause the needle to break.
This online store lists all the parts is has that fit your machine:. From the website above, it is clear that the bobbins need to be plastic. Metal bobbins will eventually wear out the bobbin area of a machine that uses plastic bobbins. The bobbins do need to be the correct style.
When you purchase bobbins at Walmart and other places, typically you can check the back of the card to see what machines they fit. This is how you make sure that the size and style of the bobbin is correct for your machine. As far as I know, Schmetz needles will fit any modern machine. I believe only a few of the vintage machines require specialized needles. A lot of vintage Singer machines work better with Singer needles.

You can download a free manual for this machine here: The manual should tell you about bobbins and needles, plus other information that will be useful to you.