Weco Formtracer Repair Manual
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This is a public forum and wholesale prices are not public information. Ok, I saw your post on opti-board. Let's see if you can help. I have a trace 1 V 4.13 I want to connect it via rs232 no polling card to visual lab pro. I know if you hit the weco key cal and then ctr 0 you can get into the parameters.
Weco Form Tracer Repair Manual Pdf
Do you know what settings to change. Also going from the rs232 25 pin to 9 is the correct configuration 2-2 3-3 7-5. I also have a cad 2 blocker that I don't know jack about but would like to network with my LMS as well. Can this be set up not to run in current loop. It has rs232 connectors also. Any help would be great.

Weco Formtracer Repair Manuals
If you can solve this you are the greatest.