Bible School Training Manual
Sunday School Teacher Training for Teachers and Administrators. Whether you have just a few questions about teaching, or you're planning your own program for teachers, this is for you! Sunday School Teachers have questions: What to do? What to teach? Where to go, if they have problems? Administrators know that teachers have good questions, and they need to have some good answers.
Teachers also need to have regular times of training, so that they can get the information, the help, and the encouragement they need. Download and use this fun, free resource! Are you called?
Not on the phone. Not by the nose. Download the complete manual OR just the sections you need. Teachers.Have Some Questions???. Hang in There.
Other Fun and Helpful Resources. Administrators. (That's YOU!) Starting a New Sunday School Program?. Already up and running?. Planning a Sunday School Teacher Training?
If you are planning your own Sunday School Teacher Training, be sure check out these ideas, as well as the other helps on this page. Pick and choose the ones you would like to use in your program.
Remember You can Download the Sets. On a Personal Note. So there I was just sitting around one day when someone from a DIFFERENT church called me and said, 'So, we were wanting to have a Teachers' Training Program for our teachers and, since we are such a small church, we thought we'd call and see if you would like to have one with us. And would you run it?' That's how I got in to Teachers' Training.
Needless to say, we had the program. The other teachers from our neighboring church came. We provided some of the speakers.
They provided some of the speakers. And it was a lot of fun! We learned a lot, had some lunch, met some nice folks, and went away feeling encouraged. We also decided that we had to do it again the next year!
Teachers' Training 101 is a compilation of ideas and short (one to two page) answers to some of the most common problems and questions that Sunday School Teachers and new Sunday School Administrators may have. It is NOT supposed to serve as the 'be all and end all' of advice on Sunday School, whether for teachers or administrators. It's just supposed to be a place to start. (I think mostly it's supposed to be the best advice I have to offer at this time.) What I mean is.
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That if you called me on the phone tomorrow and said ' We'd like to have a Teacher's Training for our teachers. And would you run it?' I'd like to think that I'd print off all these pages, bring them to you, and we'd go through as many as you liked. Maybe we'd even have some lunch! I wish I could be there with you. But since I can't. I will send along my pages.
And my prayers that you will find just what you need for your Teacher Training program. With love in Christ, Sharon.
Course Description: The first part of this course, Preaching Biblical Messages, is designed to equip and train pastors with the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare and communicate expository messages from God’s Word. The goal of these messages is that they be biblically accurate and responsive to the needs of people.
Sunday School Training Manual Pdf
Bible Training Institute
Emphasis is placed on practical preparation of the preacher and his message with numerous examples and practice assignments. The second part of the course, Pastoral Ministry, is designed to equip pastors with knowledge and practical skills required for effective ministry in the church which is fruitful from God’s perspective.