Htri Design Manual
HTRI software products are widely recognized as the industry standard for the design, rating, and simulation of heat transfer equipment. These thermal analysis and design tools are backed by our long-running proprietary research program. Additionally, we license, distribute, and provide technical support for software products from other companies that provide our members with a full range of options for their thermal process needs.

Provides tools for a wide variety of heat transfer equipment including shell-and-tube and non-tubular exchangers, air coolers and economizers, heat recovery bundles, fired heaters, and more. These programs are regularly updated as we obtain and analyze new research data. HTRI offers a comprehensive training program designed for all levels of engineering knowledge. Our workshops, short courses, and webinars increase understanding of heat exchanger technology and help you use HTRI products effectively. We also offer training at the location of your choice and customized to fit your needs.
Our heat transfer experts provide a range of proprietary consulting services including. conduct CFD studies of heat transfer surfaces. heat exchanger design review.
thermal ratings. operational equipment troubleshooting We also provide test services to evaluate prototype equipment designs and enhanced surfaces, measure the fouling potential of various crude oils and petroleum products, and design custom test rigs. Additionally, we have large-scale computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation capabilities that help solve heat exchanger problems. HTRI also provides customized software development for both standalone programs and interfaces with HTRI products. Our ongoing proprietary research program is unparalleled in the industry. After meticulous data acquisition, we develop correlations and methods which are detailed in several hundred research reports and technical publications, including the HTRI Design Manual.
This multi-volume document is widely regarded as one of the most comprehensive sources for heat exchanger design best practices in the world.
HTRI Xchanger Suite Educational HTRI Xchanger Suite ® Educational is a version of customized for use by educational institutions. Supported by extensive data collected for over 55 years on our industrial-scale heat transfer equipment, this software quickly and accurately handles heat exchanger calculations.
Included in this single-integrated environment are three powerful design, rating, and performance simulation modules:. Xace - crossflow heat exchangers (air coolers and heat recovery bundles). Xist - shell-and-tube heat exchangers. Xphe - compact heat exchangers (plate-and-frame) Please note that licenses for HTRI Xchanger Suite Educational do not include access to any of our commercial products such as eLibrary, Service Packs, or the HTRI Design Manual. Program Capabilities Cross flow ( Xace).
Design, rate, and simulate air-cooled heat exchangers (with fans on or off), heat recovery bundles, and natural draft exchangers. Enter any tubeside and outside process conditions. Access many special features, such as. links to vendor-supplied fan selection software. outside maldistribution (of both inlet air flow and temperature).
multiple services in one bay Shell-and-tube ( Xist). Design, rate, and simulate shell-and-tube exchangers. Evaluate geometries including. TEMA E, F, G, H, J, K, and X shells. kettle and thermosiphon reboilers including piping.
Htri Design Manual Book
falling film evaporators. tubeside reflux condensers. Analyze single-phase, condensation, and boiling processes.
Htri Design Manual
Preview rigorous tube layout using interactive drawing shown to scale.