Competent Leader Manual
COMPETENT LEADERSHIP MANUAL OBJECTIVES When you join a Toastmaster club, you receive a manual with 10 projects that teach a progression of skills in leadership. Following is a brief summary of the objectives for each Project in the Leadership manual. this is a checklist for completing the projects in the Competent Leader Manual. Project 1 - Listening and Leadership Objectives.
Determine your current listening skills,. Identify the 7 steps to better listening,. Practice listening skills in various meeting roles. Complete any 3 of 4 roles -.

Speech Evaluator. Grammarian. Ah Counter. Table Topics Speaker Project 2 - Critical Thinking Objectives. Determine your current critical thinking skills,. Practice critical-thinking skills in various meeting roles.
Complete any 2 of 3 roles -. Speech Evaluator. Grammarian. General Evaluator Project 3 - Giving Feedback Objectives.
Determine your current skills in giving feedback,. Identify the steps in giving feedback effectively,.
Practice giving feedback as you serve in various meeting roles. Complete all 3 roles -. Speech Evaluator. Grammarian.
General Evaluator Project 4 - Time Management Objectives. Determine your current time-management skills,. Identify steps to effectively manage time,. Practice time-management skills in various club roles. Complete Timer, plus any 1 of 4 remaining roles -.
Timer. Speaker. Grammarian.
Table Topics Master. Toastmaster Project 5 - Planning and Implementation Objectives. Determine your current planning and implementation skills,. Identify steps in planning and implementation process,. Practice planning and implementation skills in various club roles. Complete any 3 of 4 roles -. Speaker.
Table Topics Master. Toastmaster. General Evaluator Project 6 - Organizing and Delegating Objectives. Determine your current skills in organizing and delegating,. Identify steps in the organization and delegation process,.
Practice skills in organizing and delegation during various club roles. Complete any 1 of 6 roles -. Organize club speech contest. Organize club special event. Organize public relations campaign.
Organize club membership campaign or contest. Help produce club newsletter. Assist the club webmaster Project 7 - Developing your Facilitation Skills Objectives. Determine your present facilitation abilities,. Identify facilitation strategies,. Practice facilitation skills in various meeting roles. Complete any 2 of 4 roles -.

1979 triumph spitfire workshop manual. Table Topics Master. Toastmaster. General Evaluator. Befriend a guest at a meeting Project 8 - Motivating People Objectives. Determine your current motivational skills,.
Identify conditions that motivate people,. Practice motivational skills while serving in club roles. Complete any 3 of 5 roles (One of which must be Membership campaign/Contest Chair OR Public Relations chair -. Speech Evaluator. General Evaluator.
Toastmaster. Chair Membership campaign/Contest Chair OR. Public Relations chair Project 9 – Mentoring Objectives.
Determine your current mentoring skills,. Identify the steps in being a good mentor,. Practice mentoring skills in various club roles.
Complete any 1 of 3 roles -. Mentor for new member.
Mentor for existing member. High Performance Leadership guidance committee member Project 10 - Team Building Objectives. Determine your current team-building skills,.
Identify the steps in building a team,. Practice team-building skills while serving in various club roles. Complete BOTH Toastmaster AND General Evaluator OR any 1 of 6 remaining roles -.
Toastmaster. General Evaluator OR. Chair Club speech contest. Chair club special event. Chair public relations campaign.
Chair club membership campaign or contest. Serve as club newsletter editor. Serve as club webmaster. close 13123 unique visitors since 11/2/2017 The information on this website is for the sole use of Toastmasters' members, for Toastmasters business only. It is not to be used for solicitation and distribution of non-Toastmasters material or information. All rights reserved.
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Toastmaster Competent Leader Manual
Competent Leader Manual Checklist The Toastmasters Competent Leader (CL) manual contains projects designed to help members become comfortable performing leadership tasks within the club. Members can track their progress using the checklist here, or on page 6 of their Competent Leader manual. The Competent Leader award is presented to members who have completed all 10 projects listed below. The Vice President of Education will help members to submit their.