Fuji Drypix 5000 User Manual
Description With the addition of DryPix 5000 to the DryPix family of dry imagers Fujifilm has provided a worthy successor to the DryPix FM-DP L. The DryPix 5000 is the ideal imager for centralized imaging departments or multi-slice CT applications needing the flexibility of 110-volt power. The backup security, unrivalled image quality, networkability and lowest cost of ownership make the DryPix 5000 an exciting new addition to the DryPix family. DryPix 5000 has received 510(k) clearance from the FDA for use with Full Field Digital Mammography (FFDM) devices. Offering high (50-micron) resolution and (3.60) maximum density capability, the DryPix 5000 imager with DI-ML film ensures the highest quality images demanded by FFDM. Further, DryPix 5000 has been tested and validated by FFDM pre-market application (PMA) holders GE Healthcare and Lorad a Hologic company.
Specifications Throughput Up to 240 films/hour (180 14″x17″ films/hour) Time to first film 65 seconds (14″x17″ film) DICOM Connectivity Verification SOP Class Basic Gray Scale Print Management Meta SOP Class (SCP) Print Job SOP Class (SCP) Annotation SOP Class Queue Management SOP Class Film Drawers Up to 3 Printing Resolution 100 microns / 50 microns (selectable) Power Requirements 100-120 VAC 12 A.
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Fujifilm Drypix 4000
Fuji Drypix 5000 Service Manual
DESCRIPTION Premium Image Quality from a Compact Imager The DryPix 4000 is a dry laser imager which combines the high quality and performance of Fuji's centralized imagers, with an extremely compact design and convenient 110 volt power, required for decentralized imaging applications. The DryPix 4000 has excellent throughput between 110 and 160 films per hour making it ideal for modalities such as high speed CT. Like the DryPix 5000 and 7000, this unit also features 50-micron high resolution printing. It accommodates all common film sizes, and has an optional second film drawer and top-mounted 4-bin film sorter. An internal DICOM print server with Windows XP operating system allows the DryPix 4000 to operate with high performance in environments where space is at a premium. Designed to withstand shock and environmental extremes, the DryPix 4000 is also ideal for mobile use.